Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The weather: It's cold!

Much like a large portion of the country, we are experiencing extremely low temperatures here in central PA.  As I mentioned in my previous blog we've had to deal with frozen pipes.  We got them successfully thawed and nothing burst, but now we have to have a continuous flow of water streaming from both bathroom sinks (ugh, what a waste!).  Both faucets are on interior walls, so logic would dictate that they wouldn't freeze.  Alas, the main part of the house was built somewhere around 1850, with horizontal stones as the foundation for the exterior walls.  A garage/2nd floor master suite addition was constructed just a few years ago on the North side of the house.  Well, the main hot and cold lines for both bathrooms run through the wall that is the interface between the two generations of construction.  Logic would dictate that this area would have some modern updates for efficiency.  Alas, it is an area where you can clearly see the old stones, can readily feel any draft or breeze, and there is absolutely zero insulation (which explains why the master bath has anti-radiantly heated floors, i.e. they're frigid).  The only difference is that the new pipes are PVC while the old pipes are copper.  So, yeah... I'm glad that A) we do not pay the water bill and B) don't have to pay the money it will take to properly insulate the pipes and addition.  The plus side of dealing with this is that Warren and I know what plumbing access panels look like and we've become handy with a hair dryer... for non-styling purposes.

p.s. 'freezing' has no business preceding 'rain'.  I do not like this weather phenomenon.  It's not common to CO, and it just feels like a step's been skipped, i.e. snow (which I realize is also solid water, but in a more fluffy, less disruptive form.)

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