Saturday, January 4, 2014

Snow in Central PA

I have been assured by many people, that it rarely snows here in the winter time.  If it does, there's very little that falls and it melts quickly.  This news comes from both natives and people who moved here from colder climes (namely Minnesota and Maine).  I believed them, for a while anyway...

The first "snow" we had was maybe an inch: roads were moist and grass blades could still be seen through the dusting.  People here FREAKED out!  They really couldn't handle it.  Drivers crept along the roads, and Danville schools were put on a two-hour snow delay.  Many of my native co-workers were aghast that school wasn't cancelled altogether.  A school bus (from a non-Danville district) did take a turn too fast that morning and slid off the road.  All passengers were taken to the hospital: some had minor injuries, most had no injuries, two were hospitalized overnight.  So, with fears confirmed, people around here officially became chionophobic.

Temperatures remained in the 30's for the next week and we got rain (which did indeed melt the snow). Then another "snow" storm was predicted.  This time school was cancelled the night before the storm hit.  People were braced for the 2 inches that were predicted.  The next morning dawned cold and cloudy.  Every now and then a flake could be seen.  The day went by and nothing happened.  By afternoon the clouds were lifting.  There was no snow.  Karen (my nurse co-worker from Maine) and I were shaking our heads over how fanatical people around here get when it comes to "snow".  I mean really?  What if it actually snowed around here?  Would the world as they know it, end?  I was soon to find out...

December began with mild temps, rain and a day so warm and humid that it felt like a summer's afternoon.  This balmy weather was soon to be squelched by the real deal.  An actual snow storm.  The predictions called for a few inches of snow here, 4 at the most.  We ended up with 6 whole inches of snow!  People did indeed freak out.  School was closed and some shops were too, but as it turns out, the city's infrastructure held up.  Roads were appropriately cleared and the apocalypse did not occur, which, like the rest of the folks around here, was a major concern of mine.  What a relief!

Since then, a few more snow storms have hit.  Warren and I flew in from CO January 2 to a storm in the area that brought frigid temps, wind and another 4-5" of snow.  With all that, I think folks around here are acclimating to the concept of snow in winter time.  Shops are open, streets are clear and drivers are able to navigate at regular speeds.  Although, with this latest storm school was cancelled for two days.  And our bathroom pipes froze.  But other than that, life is fairly status quo around here.

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