Monday, April 22, 2013

At least the barber wasn't named Sweeney Todd...

Warren decided to get his hair cut this past weekend at the barber shop here in town.  It's an old fashioned place, complete with spinning pole and old timers waiting in their chairs for the next customer.  Warren asked for a small trim and "clean-up around the neck and ears."  What he received was a buzz cut, ala the military... and a missing right eyebrow.  Wait, what?!  That's right folks, the old timer who cut Warren's hair, attempted to "clean up" his eyebrows, with comically disastrous results.  Now, I don't want to be dramatic, his entire right eyebrow isn't missing, just the middle 2/3 aka most of it.  And his left eyebrow didn't make it out unscathed either, it's just not nearly as, how do I put this? absent looking.  Needless to say, he won't be seeing that guy again.  Oh the trials of moving somewhere entirely new.


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