Sunday, March 2, 2014

No news is good news

The last few days, I've been reading the blogs from several of my friends.  They sound happy and busy with their extra-curricular activities.  And so, I was inspired to write my own update; despite the fact that there isn't much of an update here in central PA.  The weather continues to be lousy, work is steady and we're hooked on "Breaking Bad".

Being a young working professional at Geisinger, means I have become friends with other young working professionals, primarily residents.  This is both good and bad.  The good is meeting like-minded individuals of varied backgrounds and home origins.  The bad means that the majority of them will eventually move away :-(  The first of these friends moved away one week ago.  Joanna is a PA surgical resident from Salt Lake City, UT.  She and I got along very well: we had similar tastes (drinks, food, clothes), ideas and goofy voices (amongst other shenanigans.)  I will miss having her here.  The next round of residents graduating and moving on to bigger and better things, comes up in June.  A couple we have been on a few double dates with, will be moving to Toronto (sigh).

Warren had his wisdom teeth out this past week.  Everything went well, and I must say, having seen him recover from anesthesia a couple of times now, he is a funny guy.  And inquisitive.  Anesthesia brings out his inner 5 year old, "what about this?" "why that?" "how did this go?"  It's a good thing I was there to hear the answers, because he forgot the responses shortly after the surgeon gave them.